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Made in Luiss


Carla Scalisi: Presidente dell’Associazione Marianne

La studentessa Luiss racconta il percorso dall’ideazione alla nascita dell’Associazione Marianne.

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Virginia Vergari: Luiss da tre generazioni

La neolaureata Virginia Vergari racconta il legame transgenerazionale con Luiss.

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Alessandro Marinaro: la tesi triennale sull'Italian Journal of Public Law

Alessandro ha ottenuto la pubblicazione della sua tesi di Laurea Triennale sull'Italian Journal of Public Law, la prima rivista italiana di legge interamente in inglese, ponte tra la cultura giuridica italiana e le altre.

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Il Career Day raccontato dagli studenti

Leggi le testimonianze dei partecipanti della XXV edizione del Career Day.

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Success Stories: LLM Educational Programs

Federico Mariani, Giulia Affanni, Lorenzo Russo, Giuseppe La Gatta e Francesco Abbadessa

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Giovanni Petruccio

Winner of the INWIT scholarship

The graduate student talks about his experience at Luiss and his scholarship in collaboration with INWIT, a leading company in the electronic telecommunications infrastructure sector.

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Beatrice Menei

Winner of the Legalità e Merito scholarship

Beatrice talks about the experience with the project and her future dreams

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Luiss Top Athlete

The athletes tell about their preparation for the world competition between emotions and future dreams

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Federica Fabiani

Among Forbes’s best Under 35 lobbyists

Federica is a member of the Cattaneo Zanetti & Co. team, a leading Italian public affairs, lobbying and political intelligence firm. The Luiss graduate shared her experience that brought her to achieve the prestigious recognition.

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Paolo Buonvino

Revolutionizing education with Teach For Italy

After six years working for multinationals, Paolo decided to change paths and enter the public sector. Following a Luiss webinar on social entrepreneurism, he discovered Teach For Italy and was immediately passionate about the program.

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Vanessa Boi

Leader of Italian Delegation at the G7 Youth Summit

Vanessa Boi, Luiss graduate of the Master's Program in International Relations is today President of Global Action, an NGO serving to develop free educational programs focused on diplomacy that bring together youth and experts to empower international relations.In February 2020, the alumna was selected to represent the Italian delegation at the G7 Youth Summit held in the United States.

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Francesco Grassi

The Luiss Alum Venture Capitalist Forbes 100 Under 30

Francesco is Investment Manager at LVenture Group: "The Company grew exponentially. My work is really stimulating, and I know I never would have gotten this far if it hadn't been for the support I got at Luiss." Recently, the Luiss graduate made the Forbes 100 Under 30 list.

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Federico Riccio

The student shares his experience abroad

Luiss graduate Federico Riccio attended the Master’s Degree Course in International Management, choosing to pursue a Double Degree program with the Paris-Dauphine University for his final year.

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Open. Engaged. Responsible.
